Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy will explain how Happy Come Rain Or Shine uses cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website at It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.

In some cases, we may use cookies to collect personal information, or that becomes personal information if we combine it with other information.

Definition of cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used by websites to help make your browsing experience better and also stop you from having to insert details over and over, as your preferences are remembered.

Why do we use cookies?

We use both first and third-party cookies for a variety of reasons. Certain cookies are needed for technical reasons so that our Website can operate properly. These are known as “essential” or “strictly necessary” cookies. Third parties serve cookies on our Website for analytics. You can see more details below.

How can I control cookies?

You have the right to decide whether to accept or block cookies.

If you decide to reject or block some cookies, you can still use our website however, the functionality and certain areas of our website may be restricted. You can also change your web browser settings to accept or refuse cookies, but you will need to refer to your web browser for more information on how to do this. You can view helpful info at

Google Analytics

The below cookies are used to track our website visits and data around our website. The data which is collected helps us monitor the performance of our website to help improve your user experience. We share this anonymized data with selected third parties, to help us improve our site:

  • _gat
  • _gid
  • _ga

How often will you update this Policy?

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time for reasons such as changes to the cookies we use. So it’s worth checking out our cookie policy regularly to stay up to date with the use of cookies on our site.

This cookie policy was last updated in October 2022.